Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's Pretty Scary Here Too

            I just finish diving through the sea of American public opinion that can be found online.  It can be a little overwhelming.  I am a Christian and also a political Conservative.  I'm not going to argue those points here, but it's relevant to what I have to say.  I have discovered (through scrutinizing scientific means, of course) that people on the other side of things can be a bit vicious.  That's not to say that that kind of thing doesn't exist on my side of the argument, or that all liberals, humanists, atheists, etc. act that way, or even that people on the opposing side make up a unified block.  I have noticed, however, that, while the vicious people on my side can be just about universally disliked as "rednecks" or ignorant hate mongers, the vicious few on the other side tend to be pretty well liked.  How does that work exactly.  Perhaps we "reasonable" people on both sides could try to do a little better at cleaning our own houses.  Maybe we need to be as vocal in standing up to hateful people that claim to be on "our side" as we are to those on the other side of things.  Maybe more so.
Tell me what you think.
That's all. God Bless.

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