Sunday, February 6, 2011


           Although I don't suppose many will read it, I feel I should introduce myself and my blog seeing as this is my first post.  I chose the nom de plum Anon Amos out of a personal philosophy that is at odds with the cult of personality and celebrity that seems to pervade society today.  Simply put, I think a novelist, for example, is perfectly able to write a wonderful work without a photograph of themselves plastered across the back of it.  In keeping with that I chose a name that was, well, anonymous, and that made anonymity the point of the name.  Not that I think this little weblog will gain any kind of mass following or anything, it's just that, if I am anything, I am a man of principle.  One of those principles obviously being humility.
          For the foresee...forseea...immediate future I plan on posting whatever comes to mind that seems of any kind of importance to me at the time, possibly rangeing from philosophy, religion, meaning of life stuff, etc., to musings on music and food.  You should know, I like food.  While this may not sound like overwhelmingly thrilling reading, the point of me starting this blog has to do more with self-expression than hardcore, thought provoking journalism.  If I can get anyone to actually read it, that's just gravy... or icing... or... well you get my point.  I promise, though, that I will attemp to remain on topic and not let my "puppy with a butterfly" attension span get in the way.  No one likes to read a bunch of stream-of-consciousness junk when they don't have to.
          It is also worth pointing out that I am neither a tech-genius, nor an interior decorator.  When it comes to tech, I'm pretty much like the stereotypical eighty year-old geezer who would just as soon use a manual typewriter to a computer. Just as soon as they could figure out how to put spell-check on it anyway.  I mention the enterior decorater bit because I realize puke-green, poo-brown, and grey would not be most people's choice for their blog design.  Fortunately, I'm not most people and happen to like those colors.  I basically just wanted to nip any pigment-based snickering in the proverbial bud. 
         Also worth noting is that, while I am pretty darn conservative (both socially and politically), I also do my utmost to remain an independent-thinking individual willing to listen to other sides.  I actually really do enjoy descussing things with people I don't agree with, as long as both sides (including me) can stay civil.  What's the point in talking to people if you agree with eachother all the time.  So, if you have any kind of input please share.  It will make this whole blogging experience much more fun for everybody conserned.
That's all.  God Bless.

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